At the first sound of the alarm, my eyes quickly opened. "I can't believe I have to do this again," I thought. She was already snuggled next to me, just like she is every morning.
Somewhere between 4-5am every morning, she climbs onto our bed, scoots her little body under the covers, cozies up next to me and falls back asleep until it's time to wake up. I heard the shower running, Hubby was already up. And then there was a little whispering voice in my other ear, "Mommy, it's the Bug's first day of school." ZuZu was lying on the other side of me. "You're right, baby. Do you think she's ready?" I whispered back. "Oh, she's ready," said ZuZu. We smiled at each other because we knew she really was. ZuZu started motioning something with her hands.
She does this frequently when she's trying to be quite, it's like a game of charades. Pointing to the door, then pointing to her room, then motioning like she's taking off her pajamas. I gave her the thumbs up and she jumped off the bed and ran into her room to get dressed.
And their we lie, just me and my Bug. She had her blankie in one hand and her Teddy in the other. I watched her chest rise and fall steadily for a couple minutes as I prayed. I thanked God for giving her to us. I thanked God for allowing her to grow healthy and strong. I thanked God for giving her a sharp mind, a quirky and funny personality, and that sweet little smile. I prayed for her classmates and her teacher. I prayed she would be well behaved and a good example. I prayed she would make friends. I prayed for strength for both of us today.
I nudged her gently, and whispered, "Buuuuuuuug." That's all it took. In a
split second she whipped around, sat up, and was looking at me. "Am I late?!?!" she said. "No, no baby, you aren't late! But it
is time to wake up." "OK! I'm gunna go get dressed!" Welp, that was easy. She was DYING to put on her "first day of school outfit" that we had gone shopping for the day before.
After our shopping trip to the mall. She picked out her first day of school outfit, and her new school bag all by herself! |
By this point, Hubby was out of the shower and he and I began talking over the logistics of the day. In the middle of our conversation, she appeared in the doorway. There she stood, with the BIGGEST smile on her face. "TA-DA!" she said. She looked adorable.
Hubby wanted some special time with his girls that morning, so he took them downstairs and prepared breakfast for them. By the time I made it downstairs, they were just finishing up. "Photo shoot time!" I yelled. "WAIT, Mommy!! I need Teddy! She needs to be in the pictures too!" the Bug said. She carries Teddy with her everywhere she goes, if we are out and Teddy isn't in her arms, you can guarantee Teddy is sitting in the car waiting for us to return. "Ok, quick! Go get Teddy!" I said. She was back in a flash and we hurried outside for the inagural first day of school pictures.
First day of Preschool! Notice Teddy. |
Had to get down with Teddy. |
Bag on and ready to go! |
We wrapped up the photo shoot and headed inside. We all piled in the car and off to school we went, we wanted to get there early so we could take a few more pictures.
Sisters and Best Buds. |
A Bug and her Daddy |
Love her so, so much! |
We dropped ZuZu off on the black top and then walked around the corner to Bug's class. There were all the parents, cameras in hand, all of us exchanging nervous yet reassuring smiles. And then, the door opened. There stood Bug's teacher with a big, warm smile on her face. "Good morning, boys and girls! Come on inside," she chirped happily. Bug just stood there for a moment, hesitating. Mike and I gave each other the "uh-oh" look. "Come on, Bug!" Hubby said, "Let's go inside." The three of us grabbed hands and marched up the steps and into the classroom. We had barely reached the threshold of the door when Bug, suddenly, let go of our hands and went running into the classroom. And that's when it happened (you know you were waiting for this) the tears came. Well, for goodness sake! Cut a Momma some slack! I mean, she didn't even say goodbye, she just ran in and away from us! I stood there crying in the doorway for a second before I realized there were still other families trying to get in the door. "Come on, honey," Hubby said. He put his arm around my waist and moved me out of the doorway. He gave me that sweet look he always does when I cry, "Dry your tears, you don't want her to see you cry. Come on, let's go play with her." I dried my tears, took his hand, and we headed over to the play area.
There she goes, charging the classroom |
Putting on a puppet show for Mommy and Daddy |
"Surprise!" she shouted, "It's just me back here!" |
Playing with some dough |
We stood there, watching her explore the classroom and jump-in on some activities. She was so confident and so very excited. Just as Hubby and I were wondering how long the teacher was going to let us stay, she shouted, "Alright kiddos, please put down your activities and join me on the carpet for circle time!" Bug quickly obeyed the command that was given and was one of the first ones on the floor. The teacher said, "Good morning, boys and girls! I'm so excited to be starting the first day of school together! We are going to read a story but before we do, please turn around and wave goodbye to all the mommies and daddies." Oh man, there it was...our cue to leave. I put on the bravest face I could, and started waving goodbye and blowing kisses. She caught my kiss and put it on her cheek. I caught her kiss and put it on my heart. She blew one to Daddy, and he blew one to her. I grabbed Hubby's hand and we started walking out the door. I couldn't turn back around to look at her one last time. I was already crying.
Waving goodbye to Daddy |
Hubby and I put our arms around each other and we walked side-by-side out the door, him smiling, me crying. As I walked through the parking lot the tears continued to flow. For the first time ever, I was leaving both of my girls at school. I suddenly became aware that another couple walking to their car was staring at me. Which made me aware of something else...I forgot my sunglasses this time. "BLAST!" I choked through my tears, "I forgot my sunglasses!" Hubby Lovey laughed at me and squeezed me tighter. "You're so funny, Momma," he said. "So, how does it feel to be kid-free for the first time in 6 years." "Awful!" I exclaimed, still crying. This drew a hearty laugh from him and his laugh made me laugh. As we laughed, I dried my tears right as we reached the car. "Come on, Babe. Let's go get you some Starbucks." Oh this man, he so knows the way to my heart...a mocha frappucino and a breakfast date with him...just what the doctor ordered to cure my fragile Mommy heart.
Bug LOVED her first day. She told us all about the reading circle, going outside to play, heading to chapel, doing some arts and crafts, and meeting new friends. She can't wait to go back tomorrow. Her sister was right about the Bug, she was so ready for school.