Saturday, June 30, 2012

Encourage, Love, and Prefer Your Husband - 30 Day Challenge

A couple weeks ago, my Bestie (best friend) told me that she did a 30 day challenge to facilitate encouraging her husband on a daily basis.  She shared it with the girls in her small group and together, they all encouraged one another to do it and held each other accountable to the challenge.
After a couple weeks of this idea bouncing around in my head, I decided to take it to my small group as well.  Unfortunately, by the time I decided to do this, my Bestie was on the other side of the world (on the trip of a lifetime to Israel)!  So ya know what that means...I couldn't copy her list.

So there I sat, thinking up ways I could verbally, tangibly, physically, emotionally, and spiritually - not only encourage - but also love and prefer my husband for 30 days straight.  But I needed a little help (it's hard to think of a different idea for every day!), so I reached out to some other leaders in our marriage ministry and asked for their input. They gave me some great ideas.  The list still needed a few more items so I took it to my small group and together, we finished the last few challenges.

The purpose of this challenge is to spend 30 consecutive days intentionally showing a different form of encouragement, love, or preference to your husband.  Sometimes, we can get in the pattern of always doing the same thing over and over.  Hopefully, this challenge will give you some new ideas to continue to do after the challenge is over.  It is important to note that the purpose of this challenge should not be to draw attention to yourself, but rather, to humbly serve and love your husband in a way you maybe wouldn't normally think to do.  Some of the challenges are easy and won't require too much time or effort.  Others are a little more intricate and will require time, effort, and planning in order to complete.

I hope you consider joining us on our 30 Day Challenge, all you need to do is copy this list and leave it in a place you can see it everyday.  Please leave a comment if you intend to join us, and keep me updated on how the challenge is going for you!  Without further ado.... 

Encourage, Love, and Prefer Your Husband
30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Leave your husband an encouraging note somewhere that he’ll find it.  Let him know how thankful you are for all he does.
Day 2: Do something around the house today that he usually does, or something that you know he will appreciate having done (take out the trash, pick up his laundry, organize his closet, anything you think he’ll appreciate!)
Day 3: Buy his favorite candy at the grocery store.  Slip it into his lunch, or surprise him with it when he gets home tonight.
Day 4: Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain at all today to your husband, or about your husband.
Day 5: Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do today and instead, spend that time focusing on your husband.  (Maybe no Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram tonight?)
Day 6: Let tonight be a Date Night In. Prepare a special dinner tonight for the two of you.  Put the kids to bed early, or let them watch a movie, while the two of you enjoy each other’s company over some good food, and maybe some candlelight!
Day 7: Put extra effort into your appearance today for your husband (wear his favorite outfit, do your hair the way he likes, do your make-up the way he likes, etc.)
Day 8: Write your husband an encouraging verse on a post-it note or index card.  Leave it someplace he will find it (in his car, on his pillow, in his briefcase, etc.)
Day 9: Take the kids to visit your hubby on his lunch break.
Day 10: Publicly encourage your husband today, either on social media or in front of others, say kind words about how hard he works and what a great husband and father he is.
Day 11: When your husband gets home from work today, be as excited to see him as your children are.  Run to him, throw your arms around him, kiss him, hug him, let him know how happy you are that he is home.
Day 12: Initiate prayer tonight with your husband.
Day 13: Send your hubby a flirty text message letting him know you can’t wait for him to get home tonight.
Day 14: Wake up early today and prepare your husband’s favorite breakfast.
Day 15: Identify something that is troubling your husband or that he is worried about.  Commit to praying for this issue today and let him know you are praying for this issue.
Day 16: Make your husband’s favorite lunch and pack it up for him to take to work today.
Day 17: Rent his favorite movie tonight, get his favorite candy and some popcorn.  Then snuggle up close for movie night!
Day 18: Compliment a physical attribute about your husband today.
Day 19: Initiate Bible reading tonight with your husband.
Day 20: Plan a date night for the two of you and plan to do his favorite things (maybe go to his favorite restaurant, go see a movie he has been wanting to see, go do his favorite activity, etc.)
Day 21: On a note card or piece of paper write, “I love you because…” and then make a list of at least 10 reasons why you love your husband.  Surprise him with it tonight.
Day 22: Ask your husband what he would like to see done in the home today then, make sure that task is accomplished by the time he gets home.
Day 23: Give your husband a back rub tonight.
Day 24: Commit to praying for your husband throughout the day today, then text, e-mail, or call your husband today and let him know you are praying for him.
Day 25: Wash his car.
Day 26: Remind your husband of a recent success he had, and let him know how proud you of his successes and his hard work.
Day 27: Initiate intimacy tonight.
Day 28: Join your husband for a hobby he likes to do (golfing, surfing, mountain biking, etc.).
Day 29: Make today “Surprise Father’s Day.”  Have your child(ren) make him cards, get him a little gift, make his favorite dessert, and show him how much you appreciate the father he is to your child(ren).
Day 30: Ask your husband to make a list of his 10 favorite things you did this month.  Keep that list someplace safe and use it as a reminder the next time you want to show your love for him.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sick but Blessed

I'm sick.

I woke up last night with a fever, chills and a cough that was driving my poor husband crazy.  Neither of us slept well.  He got up before the sun came out...I slept in long after the sun came out.  The girls and I had big plans for the day: the beach with friends, frozen yogurt on the way home, and church tonight.  We were so looking forward to the plans we had.  Instead, my sweet girls spent the entire morning (and better part of today) taking care of me.

They both woke up, got themselves breakfast, quietly came and sat on my bed, and turned the TV on waiting for me to wake up.  When I did wake up, I tried to get out of bed, but my precious oldest daughter said, "No, Mommy.  You need to lie down today."  My body felt so weak, I didn't argue with her.  She then whispered something to her sister and they dashed out of the room.  I closed my eyes and tried to suppress the cough I felt coming.  I couldn't fight it, I erupted in a coughing hysteria.  When I opened my eyes, both my girls were standing in front of me.  My oldest had a bottle of water and a bottle of Advil in her hands.  The youngest had the thermometer and the Vick's Vapor Rub in her hands.  Both had looks of concern on their faces.  They proceeded to bring me water, snacks (which consisted of Fritos and Cheetos...I didn't eat them, but I smiled and said "thank you"), take my temperature, and snuggle with me.

When I finally drug myself into the shower, I discovered when I got out: a pair of jeans, a shirt, and a pair of shoes were laying on my bed. They had picked out my clothes for me for the day.  The oldest told me she is my "Special Nurse" and the youngest told me she is my "Special Person to Make You Feel Better."  Sweet girls.  Sweet blessings.

Today I've been praising God for letting me be a Mom...especially the Mommy of these 2 girls.  I think of Psalm 127:3&4, "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are children born in one's youth."

I know my children are like arrows...someday, my husband and I are going to have to shoot them out into the world.  So with that in mind, I cherish sweet moments like today.  I'm going to remember their sweet voices whispering to me that I'm going to be ok, and I better drink all my water, and not to get out of bed one more time or they will tell Daddy.  I'm going to remember someday that they thought it was perfectly reasonable to bring Cheetos and Fritos as a snack to a sick person.  So today, I'm thankful I'm sick because it brought me to an acute realization of how very blessed I am, and when I think of how blessed I am it causes me to worship and praise the God who blesses me, so undeservedly.

I know this isn't how I envisioned the's not the day I had promised them, but even though my body feels awful, my spirit is filled with joy.

Me and my girls.  *Disclaimer: this pic was taken a few days ago.  No, I will not post a picture of myself while sick.