Monday, November 28, 2011

A Dishwasher Full of Tupperware

We had 3 Thanksgiving celebrations.  THREE.  That's a whole lot of Turkey!  These Thanksgiving celebrations were filled with friends, family, thankfulness, eating, laughter, games, more eating, snuggly babies, football games, and MORE EATING!  Needless to say, I'm going to need to hit the gym hard this week.

I was at a holiday boutique last night and as I chatted with friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers, the pleasantries of conversation always made its way to, "how was your Thanksgiving?"  To which I jokingly would reply, "Which one?"  Then my friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers would look at me in bewilderment as I explained that we had 3 Thanksgiving celebrations.  Some reacted with understanding, some with sympathy, but most reacted with the wild-eyed look of anxiety as they thought through what cramming 3 Thanksgivings into a 6 day period would look like.  When I saw this look filling their eyes I would quickly say, "I know it's crazy...but it's just what we do."

As I was cleaning the house this morning, I made my way to the kitchen.  I was mindlessly loading the dishwasher when I suddenly noticed the entire bottom rack was filled with tupperware.  Tupperware from our friends and family. Tupperware that had been filled to the brim with left-overs from our 3 Thanksgivings.  Tupperware that came from their home, and was now in ours.  I looked at that dishwasher full of tupperware, and I was immediately filled with overwhelming thankfulness and awe.  I am in awe of the goodness of God, and all that he has given us.  I am thankful for the friends and family that he has surrounded us with.  I am thankful for the tupperware in my dishwasher.

If you were someone I talked to last night, I take back what I said in response to our 3 Thanksgivings.  I should not have responded with, "I know it's crazy...but it's just what we do."  I should have told you how thankful I am to have 3 Thanksgivings! I should have told you about the goodness of God, that he would allow us to have 3 opportunities to express our gratitude to him for all he has done in our lives.  I should have told you that it's not's an awesome gift from our awesome God.

A dishwasher full of tupperware

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